Vascular Surgery

Do you suffer from varicose veins or other diseases of the vascular system? Our department will make sure that your health problems disappear, including any cosmetic consequences.

What can we solve?

Do you suffer from varicose veins or other diseases of the vascular system? Our department will make sure that your health problems disappear, including any cosmetic consequences.

You can come to our department with a wide range of diseases of the vascular system, both veins and arteries. In particular, we focus on vascular problems of the lower limbs. Most often, patients come to us with varicose veins (varicose veins).

We can cosmetically remove both new and recurrent varicose veins. We are developing new gentle methods also for patients who have already been refused further surgery somewhere, or do not want to undergo surgery under general anaesthesia with several days in hospital.

The main advantage of our department lies in the ability to remove varices without the need for general anesthesia, without hospitalization and with a good aesthetic result. Only a very short recovery period is required after our procedures.


  • The phlebectomy method is a minimally invasive method that gently removes the affected veins of the lower limbs - venous connections and varices. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia, without the need for general anaesthesia and without the need for incapacity for work.

  • The ClariVein method is a minimally invasive method that gently removes the origin of varicose veins of the lower limbs. The operation is performed in the area of superficial veins - large or small sphenoid. As part of the operation, the affected varicose veins can also be removed - the so-called phlebectomy. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis without the need for general anaesthesia, only under local anaesthesia and without the need for incapacity for work.

  • The EVLA method - laser ablation is a minimally invasive method that gently removes the cause of varicose veins in the lower limbs. The operation is performed in the range of a large or small sphenoid. The procedure may also include the removal of individual varicose veins using the phlebectomy method. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia, without the need for general anaesthesia and without the need for incapacity for work.

    First, the injection site will be anaesthetised using local anaesthesia. Under ultrasound control, a cannula will be inserted into the vein to be treated and a thin catheter will be inserted. The tip of the catheter emits a laser beam, which leads to a reactionary contraction of the vessel and its closure. In order to numb the area around the vein to be treated and to protect the surrounding tissues from thermal damage, numbing must be carried out by injecting a solution into the surrounding area of several 

  • Sclerotherapy is a procedure that is recommended if you suffer from microvessels, i.e. smaller red or blue veins with a diameter of 1-4 mm. The treatment consists of injecting a special substance directly into the vein with a thin needle. The vein is chemically destroyed from the inside and then absorbed by your body. Sclerotherapy is used as an additional procedure during or after surgery. If the client has an isolated disability, only sclerotisation is performed, followed by a recommendation to wear elastic medical stockings of compression class II for a period of time that is determined individually according to the extent. Sclerotisation is also a procedure that is recommended to prevent further varicose enlargement.

We handle varicose vein surgery of the lower limbs in the whole range from classical surgery to the most gentle and minimally invasive methods. Within the minimally invasive methods, we offer removal of smaller varices and so-called scrotal varices without the need for surgical intervention using sclerotization or laser. All methods are complementary and build on each other so that we are able to remove all levels of varicosity in the shortest possible time period with the best possible aesthetic result.

We look forward to your visit and will do our best to make sure you leave VasMedic satisfied. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or book your appointment straight away.

Didn't find the answer to your question? Try the Frequently Asked Questions. The examination is not covered by public health insurance, reimbursement is under the self-payment scheme.

Who will help you?

MUDr. Libor Dvořáček, is a renowned specialist in venous and vascular surgery. MUDr. Dvořáček started as a general surgeon at the hospital in Opočno and after his certification he started to devote himself fully to vascular surgery at the Na Homolce Hospital. During his career to date, he has completed several foreign internships at renowned vascular centres, for example in Houston, USA and Strasbourg, France.

You will also be cared by:

Packages and prices of individual treatments

Beautiful legs

Package price
CZK 8 990

A convenient package of complete care for your feet. It will solve and help prevent health and aesthetic problems.

Healthy veins

Value of individual items:
CZK 8 000
Package price
CZK 6 990

Basic package for examination of leg veins. Neglected care hurts the most.


Description Price
Initial examination: It usually includes an interview, taking a personal history, a clinical examination (looking, feeling, listening), a summary of the diagnosis and recommendations for treatment or CZK 1 500
Initial examination + sonographic examination of the limbs CZK 2 700
Control examination CZK 800
Follow-up examination after more than 6 months CZK 800
Sclerotisation (cosmetic removal of broomsticks) - one limb CZK 3 000
Sclerotisation (cosmetic removal of broomsticks) - both limbs CZK 5 500
Ligature.v.perf. (ligation of the vein or perforator) from CZK 2 500
Removal of varicose veins ClariVein® - one limb from CZK 30 000
Removal of varicose veins ClariVein® - both limbs from CZK 38 000
Miniphlebectomy (outpatient removal of varicose veins) - one limb from CZK 12 000
Miniphlebectomy (outpatient removal of varicose veins) - both limbs from CZK 20 000
EVLA (laser ablation) - one limb from CZK 20 000
EVLA (laser ablation) - both limbs from CZK 31 000
Bonding of cores with VenaSeal CZK 55 000
Laser treatment of limbs - removal of dilated veins - 1 limb from CZK 2 500
Laser treatment of the face - removal of enlarged veins - broomsticks from CZK 2 500
Wound care - after injuries and surgical interventions, chronic wounds, tibial ulcers and others from CZK 1 000

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