
Transparent attitude and no hidden fees. You will always know the prices for procedures and treatments performed in our clinic in advance. The examination is not covered by public health insurance, reimbursement is under the self-payment scheme.

Description Price
Initial examination: It usually includes an interview, taking a personal history, a clinical examination (looking, feeling, listening), a summary of the diagnosis and recommendations for treatment or CZK 1 500
Initial examination + sonographic examination of the limbs CZK 2 700
Control examination CZK 800
Follow-up examination after more than 6 months CZK 800
Sclerotisation (cosmetic removal of broomsticks) - one limb CZK 3 000
Sclerotisation (cosmetic removal of broomsticks) - both limbs CZK 5 500
Ligature.v.perf. (ligation of the vein or perforator) from CZK 2 500
Removal of varicose veins ClariVein® - one limb from CZK 30 000
Removal of varicose veins ClariVein® - both limbs from CZK 38 000
Miniphlebectomy (outpatient removal of varicose veins) - one limb from CZK 12 000
Miniphlebectomy (outpatient removal of varicose veins) - both limbs from CZK 20 000
EVLA (laser ablation) - one limb from CZK 20 000
EVLA (laser ablation) - both limbs from CZK 31 000
Bonding of cores with VenaSeal CZK 55 000
Laser treatment of limbs - removal of dilated veins - 1 limb from CZK 2 500
Laser treatment of the face - removal of enlarged veins - broomsticks from CZK 2 500
Wound care - after injuries and surgical interventions, chronic wounds, tibial ulcers and others from CZK 1 000
Description Price
Initial examination: the standard examination includes an interview, personal history taking, clinical examination (looking, feeling, listening), summary of the diagnosis and recommendations for treat CZK 1 000
Physiotherapy 30 minutes CZK 900
Physiotherapy 60 minutes CZK 1 500
Physiotherapy 60 min package 5+1 CZK 7 500
Kinesiotaping applications CZK 800
Functional physiotherapy training (with aids) adapted for the client 50 minutes CZK 1 100
Functional physiotherapy training (with equipment) adapted for the client 50 min (package 5+1) CZK 5 500
Classical massage 55 minutes CZK 1 000
Classical massage 85 minutes CZK 1 400
Sports massage 55 minutes CZK 1 200
Sports massage 85 minutes CZK 1 700
Reconditioning massage 55 minutes CZK 1 200
Massage - back reflexology 50 minutes CZK 1 300
Manual lymphatic drainage - upper or lower limbs 60 minutes CZK 1 300
Manual lymphatic drainage - buttocks and hips 40 minutes CZK 1 300
Manual lymphatic drainage - back and neck 50 minutes CZK 1 100
Manual lymphatic drainage - full body 90 minutes CZK 2 000
Manual lymphatic drainage - package 10+1 CZK 20 000
Manual lymphatic drainage + instrumental lymphatic drainage + taping 80 minutes CZK 2 300
Instrumental lymphatic drainage 40 minutes CZK 600
Instrumental lymphatic drainage package 10+1 CZK 6 000
Instrumental lymphatic drainage to remove cellulite 30 min CZK 1 000
Instrumental lymphatic drainage package 5+1 CZK 3 000
Soft techniques + mobilisation CZK 800
Targeted radiofrequency therapy 15 minutes CZK 800
Targeted radiofrequency therapy 30 minutes CZK 1 000
Cílená radiofrekvenční terapie 45 min CZK 1 200
Targeted radiofrequency therapy 60 minutes CZK 1 500
Individual physiotherapy (combination with radiofrequency, taping and others) 60 minutes CZK 3 000
Individual physiotherapy (combination with radiofrequency, taping and others) 30 minutes CZK 1 500
Physiotherapy package 5+1 (radiofrequency therapy 30 min + physiotherapy 30 min) CZK 9 000
Physiotherapy package 5+1 (radiofrequency therapy 15 min + physiotherapy 30 min) CZK 7 500
Description Price
Initial examination: the standard examination includes an interview, personal history taking, clinical examination (looking, feeling, listening), summary of the diagnosis and recommendations for treat CZK 1 000
Control examination CZK 1 000
Flexible endoscopy CZK 800
Rhinoendoscopy CZK 800
Magnifying laryngoscopy CZK 800
Tympanometry (1 ear) CZK 500
Otoscopy (1 ear) CZK 500
Cleaning the ear canals (1 ear) CZK 500
Paracentesis of the eardrum (1 ear) CZK 1 200
Application of earrings on both sides - shot + earrings CZK 1 000
Application of earrings only on one side - shot + earrings CZK 600
Removal of nosebleeds from CZK 2 500
Laser removal of chronic rhinitis from CZK 10 000
Reduction, elimination of snoring CZK 6 000
Reduction, elimination of snoring (3x) CZK 12 000
Reduction, elimination of snoring (4x) CZK 15 000
Soft palate surgery for snoring (LAUP) CZK 15 000
Elimination of snoring by LAUP method + 3x treatment with Fotona laser CZK 20 000
Otoplasty 1 ear CZK 9 000
Laser treatment of the palate to improve oxygenation and reduce, eliminate snoring CZK 6 000
Otoplasty both ears CZK 12 000
Reduction, elimination of snoring (3x) CZK 12 000
Throat/nasal swabs CZK 800
Reduction, elimination of snoring (4x) CZK 15 000
Other small performances from CZK 1 000
Extract from documentation CZK 500
Description Price
Complete gynaecological examination including ultrasound CZK 2 500
Control examination CZK 1 000
Ultrasound examination at client's request CZK 900
Extract from the documentation at the client's request CZK 300
Mirena intrauterine device including insertion and control sonogram CZK 8 000
Individual consultation with a doctor CZK 1 500
Application of DESIRIAL® hyaluronic acid for the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy, G-spot enlargement, increased intercourse experience CZK 12 000
Application of DESIRIAL® PLUS fillers to enlarge the labia majora and improve the overall appearance of the vulvovaginal area CZK 14 000
LBC ThinPrep PAP examination CZK 1 500
Biopsy CZK 3 000
Cytology CZK 1 200
TSG methylation testing in cervical cancer CZK 4 500
Thrombophilic mutations (FV Leiden, F II prothrombin) CZK 2 500
Expanded HPV testing to include genotyping CZK 2 000
Prescription of medication to delay menstruation at the client's request CZK 100
Blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases CZK 3 249
AMH hormone CZK 2 000
STD Panel - Molecular detection of urogenital pathogens CZK 2 500
IUD extraction CZK 1 500
MOP - vaginal microbial picture CZK 800
Smear, swab for microbiological examination (culture + sensitivity) CZK 800
FBO test CZK 200
HCG blood level from CZK 500
Report issued at the client's request CZK 300
Duplicate form or prescription CZK 100
Description Price
Pregnancy package (comprehensive prenatal care for a pregnant woman - examinations + ultrasound examinations as part of periodic pregnancy check-ups, including disposable aids in addition to all labor CZK 8 000
Ultrasound examination - 3D sonogram + photo + recording on your own USB CZK 1 500
Photo from ultrasound examination / sending to email CZK 200
Administration of RH isoimmunization prophylaxis (Igamad/Rhesonativ) in RH negative patients - at 28 weeks of pregnancy CZK 1 700
Injection application (Agolutin) CZK 350
Laboratory screening in the first trimester (PAPP A, free β-hCG, PIGF) CZK 2 500
Laboratory screening in the 2nd trimester (PAPP A, β-hCG, free estriol, sFlt-1/PLGF) CZK 3 000
Smear, swab for microbiological examination (culture + sensitivity) CZK 800
Cytological examination CZK 800
PANORAMA test for congenital developmental defects - basic panel CZK 12 000
PANORAMA test for congenital malformations - basic panel + DiGeorge syndrome (deletion 21q11.2) CZK 14 000
PANORAMA test for congenital developmental defects - extended panel (microdeletion) CZK 16 000
Duplicate pregnancy card CZK 200
Description Price
Boostrix, injection + administration CZK 1 500
Gardasil 9, injection + administration CZK 3 900
Prescription of drugs to delay menstruation - ultrasound, education, administration CZK 500
Description Price
Consultations for current clients CZK 0
Consultation without follow-up surgery CZK 1 200
Labioplasty - surgery/laser CZK 18 000
Hysteroscopy CZK 10 000
Application of hyaluronic acid CZK 10 000
Hymenoplasty CZK 18 000
Rejuvenation of intimate areas with laser - one treatment CZK 6 000
Rejuvenation of intimate areas with laser - package of three treatments CZK 16 500
Vaginoplasty - after consultation, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis CZK 25 000
Perineoplasty - after consultation it is possible to perform the procedure on an outpatient basis CZK 18 000
Plastique of the vaginal entrance - after consultation it is possible to perform the procedure on an outpatient basis CZK 18 000
G-point magnification CZK 12 000
Correction of episiotomy scars with hyaluronic acid CZK 10 000
Surgical correction of scars after episiotomy CZK 10 000
Hymen incision - surgical or laser CZK 5 000
Bartholin's gland surgery - extirpation- resting finding CZK 10 000
Acute incision of the Bartholin's gland CZK 5 000
Probatory curettage + hsk - price of hysteroscopy with histological verification CZK 10 000
Excision or extirpation of a mass in the genital area with histological verification (price of the procedure + price of the histological report from the laboratory) CZK 5 000
Removal of genital growths by surgical method with knife and laser - fibroids, small papillomas, freckles, growths in the scar after surgery CZK 2 000
Removal of genital growths by surgical method with knife and laser - Kondylomta CZK 4 000
Laser scar treatment e.g. after SC or episiotomy - price according to the extent of the procedure CZK 5 000
Laser treatment of stress incontinence - one treatment CZK 6 000
Laser treatment of stress incontinence - a package of three treatments CZK 16 500
Laser treatment of vulvovaginitis - one treatmen CZK 6 000
Laser treatment of vulvovaginitis - a package of three treatments CZK 16 500
Fractional laser - whitening of intimate parts and anus area - price according to the range from CZK 8 000
Fractional laser for regeneration and rejuvenation of the external genital area in postmenopausal women and women after childbirth or breastfeeding CZK 8 000
Description Price
Thread lifting from CZK 30 000
Description Price
Botulinum toxin: Initial consultation with doctor (first visit only) CZK 1 000
Botulinum toxin: Wrinkles on the forehead from CZK 3 500
Botulinum toxin: Wrinkles between the eyebrows from CZK 3 500
Botulinum toxin: Wrinkles - eye area from CZK 3 500
Any other area after consultation with a doctor from CZK 3 500
Botulinum toxin: Elimination of sweating from CZK 9 500
Description Price
Hyaluronic acid fill: Nasolabial folds/chin from CZK 7 000
Hyaluronic acid fill: Marionette line from CZK 7 000
Hyaluronic acid fill: Cheekbones from CZK 7 500
Hyaluronic acid fill: Lips and contours from CZK 6 000
Hyaluronic acid fill: Circles under the eyes from CZK 7 000
Hyaluronic acid fill: Eye area from CZK 7 000
Hyaluronic acid fill: Filling a scar from CZK 1 800
Hyaluronic acid fill: Frown lines from CZK 7 000
Skin booster - Profhilo - 1 application CZK 8 000
Skin booster - Profhilo - 2 applications CZK 14 000
Skin booster - Revitrane - 1 application CZK 6 000
Dissolving the application - Removal from CZK 3 000
Description Price
Every other area - acne, acne scars (about 2x2 cm) CZK 700
Laser treatment of acne scars (1 acne area approx. 2x2 cm) CZK 1 300
Laser scar treatment (individual price depending on the size of the scar and the complexity of the procedure) CZK 1 200
Laser acne treatment (1 area, approx. 2x2 cm) CZK 1 000
Laser xanthelasma removal (individual price depending on the extent) CZK 1 300
Laser removal of Hemangiomas (invidual price depending on the extent) CZK 1 300
Laser removal of enlarged veins - broomsticks (depending on the extent) CZK 2 000
Condylomata - laser removal or excision CZK 1 500
Warts - laser removal or excision CZK 1 500
Each additional pigmented spot within one visit (individual price depending on the extent) CZK 1 300
Removal of 1 pigmented spot (individual price depending on the extent) CZK 1 800
Laser stretch mark removal (individual price depending on the extent) CZK 3 000
Description Price
Juvelook - 1 application CZK 5 500
Juvelook - Package of 3 applications CZK 13 900
Skin booster - Profhilo - 1 application CZK 8 000
Skin booster - Profhilo - 2 applications CZK 14 000
Skin booster - Revitrane - 1 application CZK 6 000
Description Price
Laser - epilation: Brazilian (bikini-line + intimate area) CZK 4 000
Laser - epilation: Armpits CZK 2 500
Laser - epilation: Upper limbs CZK 7 500
Laser - epilation: Lower limbs CZK 10 000
Laser - epilation: Underbelly CZK 1 200
Laser - epilation: Forearms CZK 3 700
Laser - epilation: Chin CZK 1 500
Laser - epilation: Under chin CZK 2 000
Laser - epilation: Chest CZK 7 200
Laser - epilation: Back CZK 9 500
Laser – epilation: Beard area CZK 3 100
Laser - epilation : Upper lip CZK 800
Laser - epilation: Thighs CZK 5 700
Laser - epilation: Calves CZK 5 700
Laser - epilace - bikini-line CZK 3 000
Description Price
Injection anaesthesia of the skin (on request) CZK 500
IPLP anaesthetic cream - face, neck or décolleté CZK 300
Anesthetic cream EMLA - face, neck or décolleté CZK 500
Laser Eyelid Lifting Smootheye - upper and lower eyelids (3 treatments) CZK 20 000
Laser Eyelid Lift Smootheye - lower eyelids (2 treatments) CZK 8 000
Laser Eyelid Lift Smootheye - upper and lower eyelids (1 treatment) CZK 8 000
Laser Eyelid Lift Smootheye - lower eyelids (1 treatment) CZK 5 000
Laser Eyelid Lift Smootheye - upper eyelids (1 treatment) CZK 5 000
Laser Wrinkle Smoothing Smooth - décolleté CZK 8 000
Laser Wrinkle Smoothing Smooth - full face CZK 8 000
Laser Wrinkle Smoothing Smooth - face + décolleté (3 treatments) CZK 35 000
Laser Wrinkle Smoothing Smooth - face + décolleté (1 treatment) CZK 14 000
Laser Lip Lase - filling and softening of lips CZK 6 000
Laser 4D face lift Complete (3 treatments) - face + eye area + neck + décolleté CZK 50 000
Laser 4D face lift Complete (1 treatment) - face + eye area + neck + décolleté CZK 19 000
4D laser face lift Complete face (3 treatments) - face + neck + eye area CZK 45 000
Laser 4D Complete face (1 treatment) - face + neck + eye area CZK 16 000
Laser Skin Rejuvenation - backs of hands CZK 7 500
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - face + neck + décolleté CZK 29 000
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - décolleté CZK 14 500
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - neck CZK 7 500
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - face CZK 15 000
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - around the mouth CZK 5 000
Laser Skin Rejuvenation Skin Resurfacing - eye area CZK 5 000
Description Price
Anti-aging: the Hydropeptide rejuvenation program (consultation, make-up removal, skin diagnostics, enzyme. peeling, softening gel, mechanical cleansing, skin ionization, mask, final care) - 90 min CZK 2 500
Program designed for problematic skin (consultation, make-up removal, skin diagnostics, enzyme. peeling, softening gel, mechanical cleansing, skin ionization, mask, final care) - 60 min CZK 2 500
Moisturizing program (consultation, make-up removal, skin diagnostics, enzyme. peeling, skin toning, hydrating alginate mask, serum, final care) - 45 min CZK 2 500
Total Skin Reset Peel Medik8 - consultation, make-up removal, skin diagnosis, preparation before peeling, enzymatic exfoliation, peeling, skin neutralization after peeling, final care) - 50 min CZK 3 500
Hydropeptide complex skin treatment (consultation, make-up removal, skin diagnostics, enzyme. peeling, softening, manual and ultrasonic cleansing, ionization, massage, mask, final care) - 90 min CZK 3 000
Chemical peeling BioRePeelCL3 (make-up removal, application of chemical peeling, neutralization, soothing mask, final care) - 45 min CZK 2 000
Microneedling of the face CZK 3 000
Microneedling of the neck CZK 3 000
Description Price
Injection lipolysis CZK 4 000
Mesotherapy - full face CZK 4 000
Mesotherapy - hair scalp CZK 6 000
Description Price
Initial consultation CZK 1 500
Upper eyelid surgery (both eyes) from CZK 15 000
Lower eyelid surgery (both eyes) CZK 20 000
Control examination CZK 1 000
Description Price
Dermatological consultation CZK 1 800
Complete examination by a dermatologist + dermatoscope CZK 1 800
Control examination CZK 1 000
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 5 pcs CZK 1 000
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 10 pcs CZK 1 200
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 15 pcs CZK 1 800
Removal of papillomas up to 15 pcs CZK 1 000
Removal of papillomas up to 30 pcs CZK 1 800
Laser treatment - Nail fungus: 1 nail CZK 1 000
Laser treatment - Nail fungus: Each additional nail CZK 800
Surgical removal (excision) of a mole CZK 2 200
Surgical removal (excision) of moles - each additional mole CZK 1 200
Excise skin and remove small cosmetic formation: Every other unit CZK 400
N2O cryo pen wart removal (1 application/fill) CZK 1 500
Histological examination CZK 1 600
Description Price
Initial neurosurgical examination CZK 3 500
Follow-up examination by a neurosurgeon CZK 1 000
Analgesic caudal block CZK 1 500
Analgesic spray CZK 1 500
Neurological examination CZK 1 800
Neurological examination - follow-up CZK 1 000
EMG examination - basic from CZK 2 500
EMG needle from CZK 500
Consultation of results - control CZK 500
Peripheral nerve root injection CZK 500
Intravenous application of drugs CZK 1 200
Injection application CZK 500
GUNA collagen application - 1 ampoule CZK 500
Special tests from CZK 500
Carpal tunnel surgery 1 hand - classic CZK 6 500
Carpal tunnel surgery 1 hand - endoscopic CZK 14 000
Extract from your medical records CZK 500
Telephone consultation - check from CZK 500
Other procedures as indicated by the doctor from CZK 200
Description Price
Initial examination - adult CZK 2 000
Initial examination - child CZK 1 800
Control examination CZK 1 000
Body acupuncture + needle application CZK 1 800
Ear acupuncture CZK 1 800
Material use (moxa, magnets) CZK 300
Description Price
Comprehensive examination by a cardiologist (Echo, ECG, carotid ultrasound, physical examination) 50 min CZK 4 500
Echocardiographic (ECHO) examination CZK 2 500
Electrocardiological (ECG) recording with evaluation CZK 1 500
Ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries CZK 2 000
KAR Pressure Holter - 24h blood pressure monitoring CZK 800
Follow-up examination by a cardiologist CZK 1 200
Follow-up examination by a cardiologist + Echocardiological (ECHO) examination CZK 3 000
Follow-up examination by a cardiologist + Ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries CZK 2 500
Description Price
Removal of a foreign body CZK 1 700
Removal of osteosynthetic material CZK 7 000
Carpal tunnel surgery (conventional surgical removal) CZK 10 000
Carpal tunnel surgery (minimally invasive surgery) CZK 14 000
Hammer toes/1 toe CZK 10 000
Removal of Ganglia CZK 7 000
Flaky fingers CZK 6 000
Complex orthopaedic examination CZK 1 800
Targeted joint puncture CZK 1 200
Targeted joint puncture and drug application (DepoMedrol) CZK 1 500
Targeted injection CZK 1 200
Application of hyaluronic acid (price for 1 application) from CZK 900
Cellular Matrix/ RegenLab (cond.plasma + hyaluronic acid) CZK 5 800
A-PRP/ RegenLab (conditioned plasma without hyaluronic acid) CZK 3 900
Follow-up examination CZK 1 000
Description Price
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity CZK 2 200
Ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries and branches of the aortic arch CZK 2 200
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta and its branches CZK 2 200
Ultrasound examination of the peripheral arteries of the extremities CZK 2 200
Ultrasound examination of two areas CZK 3 000
Ultrasound examination of three or more areas CZK 4 000
Ultrasound examination of another area CZK 2 200
Control examination CZK 1 000
Description Price
Comprehensive internal examination (initial examination, clinical examination, basic laboratory analysis, ECG, blood pressure and blood sugar measurement) CZK 2 500
Analysis and interpretation of laboratory tests + internal examination (initial examination, clinical examination, ECG, blood pressure measurement) CZK 2 000
Telephone consultation for analysis and interpretation of laboratory tests CZK 1 000
Control examination CZK 1 000
Blood collection - basic laboratory tests CZK 1 000
Special tests CZK 300
Urine analysis CZK 500
Oxygen therapy 30min CZK 500
Vitamin infusion CZK 1 000
Electrocardiogram (ECG) without evaluation (only waveforms) CZK 600
Description Price
Individual consultation 50 minutes CZK 1 800
Package - Individual consultation 50 minutes 3x CZK 4 800
Package - Individual consultation 50 minutes 6x CZK 9 700
Couple session 50 minutes CZK 2 500
Couple session 80 minutes CZK 2 900
Family session 50 minutes CZK 2 500
Family session 80 minutes CZK 2 900
Package - Family or couple session 50 minutes 3x CZK 5 950
Description Price
Initial examination using anoscope CZK 1 500
Initial examination without using anoscope CZK 1 200
Contol examination (after 6 months) CZK 1 000
Outpatient laser treatment of haemorrhoids CZK 12 000
Outpatient treatment of anal fissures CZK 4 000
Plastic removal of ingrown eyelashes and growths around the anus under local anaesthesia CZK 4 000
Removal of thrombolysed haemorrhoid CZK 2 500
Minor surgical procedures in the area of the anus CZK 4 000
Application of botulinum toxin into the anal fissure CZK 4 900
Dilator DILATAN PLUS - set of 2 pieces with diameter 18, 20 mm CZK 790
PRONTEVAQ RAPID Microclysm 1 pack 9g CZK 100
Application of sterile lubricating gel CATHEJELL MONO 12,5g CZK 80
Proctological Consultation CZK 1 500
Description Price
Carpal tunnel surgery (minimally invasive surgery) CZK 14 000
Carpal tunnel surgery (conventional surgical removal) CZK 10 000
Upper eyelid surgery (both eyes) performed by a surgeon from CZK 15 000
Lower eyelid surgery (both eyes) performed by a surgeon CZK 17 000
Removal of fat formation (lipoma) up to 5 cm CZK 3 000
Removal of fat formation (lipoma) over 5 cm CZK 5 000
Excise skin and remove of small cosmetic formation - 1 formation CZK 1 500
Excise - each other unit CZK 800
Removal of xantelasma one eyelid CZK 1 500
Removal of xantelasma both eyelids CZK 2 000
Removal of barley grain CZK 2 500
Reexcision of hypo or hypertrophic scars up to 2 cm CZK 2 200
Reexcision of hypo or hypertophic scars up to 4 cm CZK 4 000
Reexcision of hypo or hypertophic scars up to 8 cm CZK 6 500
Surgical removal (excision) of a mole CZK 2 200
Surgical removal (excision) of moles - each additional mole CZK 1 200
Excision - removal of skin formations with plastic coverage of the defect CZK 3 000
Surgical treatment of the scar from CZK 2 000
Cosmetic ear correction in one earlobe CZK 2 000
Histological examination CZK 1 600
Blood collection - basic lab. testing CZK 1 000
Application of EMLA cream CZK 300
Suture Removal (from an external facility) CZK 1 000
Description Price
Initial examination by a nutritional therapist CZK 800
Follow-up consultation with a nutritional therapist CZK 500
Reduction diet personalized CZK 4 000
Alternative diet (vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian...) CZK 4 000
Restricted diet (food intolerance, allergies) CZK 4 000
Diet for diabetics CZK 4 000
Diet for people with GIT disease (Crohn's, colitis, etc.) CZK 4 000
Menu on individual request CZK 4 000
Long term plan - consultation, diet - 3 months, 4 consultations + online consultation CZK 5 000
Long term plan - consultation, diet - 6 months, 7 consultations + online consultation CZK 9 000
Long term plan - consultation, diet - 12 months, 13 consultations + online consultation CZK 14 000
Description Price
Homeopathic counselling - initial consultation from CZK 2 500
Homeopathic counselling - the following consultations from CZK 1 000
Smoking cessation from CZK 1 700
Reducing excess weight from CZK 1 700
Consultation - alternative medicine from CZK 1 700
Pre-operative preparation (wound healing, relief of fear before surgery) from CZK 1 000
Bach Flower Therapy - Entrance from CZK 1 700
Bach Flower Therapy - Follow-up from CZK 500
Acceleration of regeneration from CZK 1 000
Description Price
Gift voucher 1 000 CZK CZK 1 000
Gift voucher 3 000 CZK CZK 3 000
Gift voucher 5 000 CZK CZK 5 000
Gift voucher 10 000 CZK CZK 10 000
Description Price
Liver examination (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, total bilirubin) CZK 199
Kidney examination (urea, creatinine, abumin - ACR, urine chem. + sed.) CZK 399
Cholesterol levels (Total cholesterol, LDL chol., HDL chol., Triacylglycerols) CZK 399
Iron stores in the body (Fe, Ferritin) CZK 399
Diabetes risk (plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin Hba1c) CZK 399
Basic prevention (KO, plasma glucose, ALT, AST, GGT, total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, creatinine, urine chemistry + sediment) CZK 399
PSA (prostate specific antigen) CZK 399
Thyroid function (TSH, fT4) CZK 499