Prevention Programmes

It is better to prevent disease than to cure it. Everyone will agree with this statement. Lack of time, the feeling of being completely healthy or fear of the medical environment - these are the usual reasons why we postpone examinations indefinitely. Take responsibility for your health and schedule a preventive check-up. Take your health concerns to heart.

Preventive examinations can detect serious diseases early. By initiating treatment, we can stop or at least slow down the further development of the disease, thus avoiding the need for hospitalisation or premature death.

How we can help

Thanks to a team of experienced, highly qualified doctors and modern instrumentation, we at Vasmedic can detect early detection of cardiovascular diseases, early stages of cancer or diseases of individual organs that initially show no symptoms.

Pillars of prevention

Our prevention programs are set up to thoroughly analyze your body's condition and needs in every life situation and at every age, and to propose appropriate solutions to prevent health problems and fine-tune your fitness to enjoy your active life as much as possible.

The basic pillars of the prevention program at Vasmedic are:

  • Advanced diagnostics
  • Suggesting solutions to potential health problems
  • Supplementation of missing vitamins and minerals
  • Recommendation of an appropriate diet
  • Movement (this is up to you)

Choose from our wide range of packages including a suite of tests to thoroughly assess your health. Early investment in prevention will definitely pay off. Take care of your health while there's still time. Preventive packages can also be a great gift to give your loved ones.

I got the results, what's next?

You can collect your test results in person or we will send them to you by secure email. On the results sheet you will find the values of each indicator and the reference limits.

If you have your results, we recommend that they are analysed by our doctor, who will put them in the context of your health situation and suggest further steps or additional tests if necessary. Book an "Analysis and interpretation of laboratory tests" in Internal Medicine.

Vasmedic screening programs and prevention packages

Name of the package: Blood tests Comprehensive prevention
Woman 30+ Man 30+ Woman 50+ Man 50+ Sportsman Fit Sexually transmitted diseases Thrombosis prevention Oncomarkers for women Oncomarkers for men Woman 30+ Man 30+ Woman 50+ Man 50+
Price 1 299 Kč 1 299 Kč 1 699 Kč 1 799 Kč 799 Kč 499 Kč 3 249Kč 3 990 Kč 3 990 Kč 3 990 Kč 14 900 Kč 14 900 Kč 19 500 Kč 19 500 Kč
Laboratory blood tests * * * * * *     * * * * * *
Vitamin D * * * * *           * * * *
PSA   *   *           *   *   *
FBO test * *                 * * * *
Examination by an internal medicine doctor                     * * * *
Vascular examination of both limbs                     * * * *
Sonography                     * * * *
Cardiological examination (ECHO)                         * *
Interpretation of results by an internal medicine doctor                     * * * *
Oncomarkers                 * * * * * *
F5 Leiden - R506Q, Q1691A               *            
F2 - Prothrombin - G20210A               *            
Indicators of sexually transmitted diseases**             *              

Laboratory testing includes the following indicators: blood count + diff, plasma glucose, CRP, ALT, AST, GGT, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols, creatine, total protein, urea, urine chemistry + sediment, sodium NA, potassium K , AMS - amylase, ACR, TSH

** The examination includes the following indicators: Syphilis RPR, Syphilis TPHA, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia trachomatis IgM, Chlamydia trachomatis IgA, Chlamydia trachomatis IgG

Packages and prices of individual treatments

Blood tests WOMAN 30+

Package price
CZK 1 599

Have you recently turned thirty and feel like you have many more years of prevention? If you want to live the next decade actively, you need to think about your health now. This screening can detect hidden disease, a possible tendency to diabetes or elevated cholesterol levels. You will find out if you have enough minerals and if your kidneys are working properly. It also includes a measurement of TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone.

Comprehensive prevention WOMAN 30+

Package price
CZK 14 900

On the day of the 30th birthday, not much changes, a person lives at full throttle, and health is usually the last thing he wants to devote time and attention to. However, prevention should not be underestimated even at this age. There are hidden diseases that show no symptoms. We all also carry some hereditary burden that usually only becomes apparent in later decades. 

Blood tests MAN 30+

Package price
CZK 1 599

Have you recently turned thirty and feel like you have many more years of prevention? If you want to live the next decade actively, you need to think about your health now. This screening can detect hidden disease, a possible tendency to diabetes or elevated cholesterol levels. You will find out if you have enough minerals and if your kidneys are working properly. It also includes a measurement of prostate-specific antigen PSA.

Comprehensive prevention MAN 30+

Package price
CZK 14 900

On the day of the 30th birthday, not much changes, a person lives at full throttle, and health is usually the last thing he wants to devote time and attention to. However, prevention should not be underestimated even at this age. There are hidden diseases that show no symptoms. We all also carry some hereditary burden that usually only becomes apparent in later decades. 

Blood tests WOMAN 50+

Package price
CZK 1 699

Fifty+ is not an age, one is usually at the peak of strength and still full of energy. Nevertheless, we recommend a preventive check-up tailored to this age group. In addition to a wide range of basic parameters, the package includes a stool occult bleeding test. It will also show your vitamin D levels, which are essential for bone building and help against arthritis.

Comprehensive prevention WOMAN 50+

Package price
CZK 19 500

Although reaching 50 is not a high age, many processes in the body begin to gradually slow down, if not outright deteriorate. The positive news is that we can largely influence the pace and extent of change by our attitude towards ourselves. We need to start consciously changing our habits. Behaviour that we got away with twenty years earlier will no longer remain without consequences and the body will uncompromisingly give us a bill. 

Blood tests MAN 50+

Package price
CZK 1 799

Fifty+ is not an age, one is usually at the peak of strength and still full of energy. Nevertheless, we recommend a preventive check-up tailored to this age group. The package includes, in addition to a wide range of basic parameters, a stool occult bleeding test and a prostate-specific antigen PSA concentration. It will also show the level of vitamin D, which is essential for bone building.

Comprehensive prevention MAN 50+

Package price
CZK 19 500

Although reaching 50 is not a high age, many processes in the body begin to gradually slow down, if not outright deteriorate. The positive news is that we can largely influence the pace and extent of change by our attitude towards ourselves. We need to start consciously changing our habits. Behaviour that we got away with twenty years earlier will no longer remain without consequences and the body will uncompromisingly give us a bill. 

I am FIT - Blood tests

Package price
CZK 499

Do you feel good and want to make sure that your body is actually completely fine? The package includes a set of tests that assess all the basic parameters of your health by simply taking a blood sample. It is suitable for men and women of all ages.


I am a sportsman/sportswoman -  Blood tests

Package price
CZK 799

Are you fit and like to push your limits? With this package, you will find out if your body has all the necessary substances to handle the physical stress. It can also detect hidden disease. This will prevent any injuries or indispositions that a lack of certain substances could cause. You can then go on to climb higher mountains with peace of mind.


Oncomarker blood tests for women

Package price
CZK 3 990

It is well known that early indication of cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and allows the use of less invasive methods. Oncomarkers play a crucial role in early detection. What do we mean by these?

Oncomarker blood tests for man

Package price
CZK 3 990

It is well known that early indication of cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and allows the use of less invasive methods. Oncomarkers play a crucial role in early detection. What do we mean by these? 

AMH - fertility blood test

Package price
CZK 1 190

Postponing pregnancy until later is a trend that is in line with modern lifestyles. Having a baby around the age of 40 is not a rarity today. However, at this age, the ability to conceive a child naturally is already declining rapidly. 

Celiac disease - blood tests

Package price
CZK 1 990

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system reacts inappropriately to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Testing for celiac disease involves several tests to diagnose this autoimmune disease that manifests itself as gluten intolerance. The examination is crucial for a correct diagnosis and subsequent gluten-free diet, which is the only effective treatment.

Tetanus, smallpox, measles - blood test for antibodies

Package price
CZK 1 690

The resurgence of these diseases is mainly due to a lack of vaccination coverage in children and declining antibody levels in the vaccinated population. Not sure when you were last vaccinated or if you were ever vaccinated against tetanus, smallpox and measles? Protect yourself and those around you and find out if your body has sufficient antibody levels.

Starting to live healthy

Package price
CZK 4 990

The package is designed to assess health status, nutrition and metabolic health. It provides a comprehensive overview of key aspects of health that are important for physical fitness, including hormone function, immune system, muscle and digestive health. It also includes a kidney function test and consultation with a nutritional therapist.

Comprehensive blood test for allergies

Package price
CZK 5 980

Allergies are the most common and often neglected chronic disease worldwide. The allergens that can cause these problems are numerous and can be quite distressing, yet detecting the causative agent can be quick and easy.

Gut microbiome analysis

Package price
CZK 7 990

Our "second brain", as the bacteria residing in the colon are called, is made up of many microorganisms and represents the most important part of the microbial population of the human body, weighing several kilograms. It is a highly dynamic assemblage of health-promoting and pathogenic microorganisms. 

Food intolerances 54 foods - blood tests

Package price
CZK 2 890

A food intolerance is an intolerance or hypersensitivity to a particular food ingredient. However, it is not an allergy with which it is often confused. Intolerance is characterised as a reaction of a non-immunological nature and the cause is usually a metabolic disorder, i.e. a lack or complete absence of substances involved in the processing of a particular food in the body.

Food intolerances 287 foods - blood tests

Package price
CZK 5 980

A food intolerance is an intolerance or hypersensitivity to a particular food ingredient. However, it is not an allergy with which it is often confused. Intolerance is characterised as a reaction of a non-immunological nature and the cause is usually a metabolic disorder, i.e. a lack or complete absence of substances involved in the processing of a particular food in the body.

Whooping cough - blood tests for antibodies

Package price
CZK 1 490

Whooping cough was thought to have been eradicated for several decades, but now it is on the rise again. The original vaccination has lost its protective effect in many people and they have forgotten to get a booster. If you are showing symptoms of whooping cough or have persistent respiratory symptoms, don't hesitate to get tested. It is an insidious disease that can kill in the extreme.

Abdominal pain - comprehensive examination

Package price
CZK 3 290

Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems. Sometimes it is just a momentary issue associated with the ingestion of inappropriate foods. However, as there are many vital organs in the abdominal cavity, pain emanating from there can also signal a very serious health problem. If you suffer from frequent and/or intense pain in the abdominal area, you should be concerned about its cause.

Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis - blood tests

Package price
CZK 2 290

Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis have the same vector - the common tick. There are more and more ticks in nature and the number of tick-borne infections is increasing. Both diseases affect the nervous system and initially resemble the flu. Both can also cause permanent damage to patients. However, the symptoms and other specifics differ.

Swollen feet

Value of individual items:
CZK 8 700
Package price
CZK 8 090

Are you suffering from swollen feet? Although these problems may seem trivial, they shouldn't be underestimated, especially if the swelling has been bothering you for a long time and the condition is getting progressively worse. It's not just an aesthetic issue, they can signal a more serious health problem. 

Blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases

Package price
CZK 3 249

Risky sexual behaviour such as promiscuity or unprotected sex can result in a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention is basically simple, either a monogamous relationship or protected sex and regular preventive check-ups.

Blood tests to prevent thrombosis

Package price
CZK 3 990

Thrombosis is usually of great concern because it can cause serious health complications, in extreme cases even pulmonary embolism. The positive news is that with effective prevention we can reduce the risk of thrombus to a minimum. What measures can help? 

Genetic analysis - clotting disorders and thrombophilia

Package price
CZK 6 659

Unlike the "Prevention of thrombosis" package, this is a comprehensive examination that includes a blood clotting test, the so-called Quick test. This measures the rate of blood clotting and the result is given by the INR index. It is particularly suitable for clients who are taking medication to slow blood clotting (most commonly Warfarin). 

Preoperative examination premium

Package price
CZK 3 250

This is a blood test and a urinalysis for preoperative examination. The result of the analysis must not be older than 14 days before the procedure.

Preoperative examination standard

Package price
CZK 2 950

This is a blood test for pre-operative examination. The result of the analysis must not be older than 14 days before the procedure.


Description Price
Liver examination (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, total bilirubin) CZK 199
Kidney examination (urea, creatinine, abumin - ACR, urine chem. + sed.) CZK 399
Cholesterol levels (Total cholesterol, LDL chol., HDL chol., Triacylglycerols) CZK 399
Iron stores in the body (Fe, Ferritin) CZK 399
Diabetes risk (plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin Hba1c) CZK 399
Basic prevention (KO, plasma glucose, ALT, AST, GGT, total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, creatinine, urine chemistry + sediment) CZK 399
PSA (prostate specific antigen) CZK 399
Thyroid function (TSH, fT4) CZK 499