4D Laser Fotona: Instructions

The Fotona laser is used to correct mild to significant changes in the skin and just under the skin.
No special preparation is required before the procedure. You will receive pre-operative instructions from the treating physician.
The Fotona Dynamis SP power laser is used for dermatological, surgical and aesthetic procedures. The device offers Nd:YAG - diode or Er:YAG - erbium laser for different types of treatments. Nd:YAG works on the principle of targeted thermal treatment and Er:YAG on the principle of tissue evaporation.
This procedure can be performed at the client's request under local anaesthesia with an anaesthetic cream, which is applied to the treated areas 20 - 45 minutes before the procedure. The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the areas to be treated, most often up to 45 min.
Post-treatment instructions vary depending on the procedure performed, so please respect the doctor's recommendations.
Some treatments require avoidance of alcohol consumption, excessive use of facials, application of decorative cosmetics for 12 hours.
It is recommended to avoid being in the sun for 4-8 weeks after the procedure, to use protective creams with UV filter and SPF of at least 50 on the treated areas, and to reapply the UV filter when in the sun, and to add headgear and sunglasses.
Some common reactions associated with thermal energy such as redness, warmth and swelling in the treatment area may occur after laser application. These side effects may persist for several weeks after treatment. Rarely, more serious complications such as bleeding, blistering, hypo or hyperpigmentation, inflammatory processes and others may also occur.
Even if all the rules are followed by the staff and the client, the desired aesthetic result may not be 100% guaranteed. The number of treatments required to achieve the desired result cannot be precisely determined in advance and is individual.