
The skin is what protects our body from external influences. Thus, its health is not only important from an aesthetic point of view, but also has a great influence on our health. If you feel a problem or any unusual phenomenon, do not hesitate to make an appointment for an examination!


What can we solve?

Do you have dermatological problems? You can rely on us for professional care and effective solutions to all dermatological problems from acne and eczema to mole control.

Both adult patients and children can contact us. Some of the most common dermatological problems we treat in our department include:

  • Acne treatment and removal
  • Removal of moles, freckles and pigment spots
  • Treatment of onychomycosis
  • Other dermatological problems

Methods used

Our dermatology department offers the most advanced procedures and devices in the field of dermatology. For laser treatments, we use the state-of-the-art Fotona device, which is one of the market leaders. The advantages of the laser are its power, safety and multifunctionality. Vasmedic is a modern facility and you have the opportunity to see it for yourself. In this case, not just figuratively, but literally.

Our dermatology practice focuses on both preventive treatments and the solution of long-term health problems. If you need to address a more aesthetic problem, we recommend contacting our aesthetic medicine department. The examination is not covered by public health insurance, reimbursement is under the self-payment scheme.

Who will help you?

She is an experienced dermatovenerologist with experience from the melanoma clinic of the Prague University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, the surgical department of the hospital in Kadan, or the skin department of the hospital in Chomutov. She also has extensive experience working with laser devices.


You will also be cared by:


Description Price
Dermatological consultation CZK 1 800
Complete examination by a dermatologist + dermatoscope CZK 1 800
Control examination CZK 1 000
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 5 pcs CZK 1 000
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 10 pcs CZK 1 200
Removal of flat verrucas location up to 15 pcs CZK 1 800
Removal of papillomas up to 15 pcs CZK 1 000
Removal of papillomas up to 30 pcs CZK 1 800
Laser treatment - Nail fungus: 1 nail CZK 1 000
Laser treatment - Nail fungus: Each additional nail CZK 800
Surgical removal (excision) of a mole CZK 2 200
Surgical removal (excision) of moles - each additional mole CZK 1 200
Excise skin and remove small cosmetic formation: Every other unit CZK 400
N2O cryo pen wart removal (1 application/fill) CZK 1 500
Histological examination CZK 1 600