Comprehensive prevention MAN 30+
On the day of the 30th birthday, not much changes, a person lives at full throttle, and health is usually the last thing he wants to devote time and attention to. However, prevention should not be underestimated even at this age. There are hidden diseases that show no symptoms. We all also carry some hereditary burden that usually only becomes apparent in later decades.

The sooner we detect these risks, the sooner we can adjust our lifestyle or start treatment, thus minimising the actual manifestation of risk factors. We should include regular preventive check-ups that are tailored specifically to our age. This is where Vasmedic is the ideal partner.
The package includes the following indicators:
- Blood tests (blood count + diff, plasma glucose, CRP, ALT, AST, GGT, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols, creatine, total protein, urea, urine chemistry + sediment, sodium NA, potassium K, AMS - amylase, ACR, PSA)
- Internal examination (initial examination, clinical examination, 12-lead ECG, blood pressure and glucose measurement)
- Vascular examination of both limbs
- Sonography (abdomen, stomach)
- Abdominal aorta and its branches + peripheral arteries of the limbs
- Interpretation of the results by an internal medicine physician, including suggestion of partial steps to ensure prevention or recommendation of appropriate treatment
At Vasmedic, we provide you with all the necessary examinations under one roof and in one visit. The package also includes interpretation of the results by a doctor, which we will be happy to provide over the phone. You don't have to waste time visiting different specialties in different locations and then piecing together an overall picture of your health from partial results. Choose an elegant solution and make an appointment with us.
Package validity is 1 year from purchase.

Our Misson
Vasmedic provides exceptionally personalized, tailored care combined with a personal touch. We treat our clients with respect and dignity so they can turn to us anytime. We want to provide holistic care, offering solutions to health problems, starting with preventive examinations, and ending with medical solutions. Your personal physician accompanies you from the first contact and is your consultant and guide in addressing the complexity of your overall health.

Core Values
- Holistic approach
- Ample time for the patient
- Modern minimally invasive methods of intervention
- Quick return to normal life
- We are always on hand - short ordering times
- Pleasant environment of a private clinic

Our approach
- We are your personal doctor
- Tailored, individual care and a personal approach to each client
- We focus on preventive care and maintaining the overall health of the individual
- We address the effects and causes of disease
- First a consultation and then a demonstration of the possible solutions
- Only experienced and qualified staff offering a comprehensive approach
We accept credit cards, vouchers and benefit cards