
Vasmedic offers a wide range of surgical procedures that can help you feel better in your body. Whether it's a medical or aesthetic problem, our experts are ready to offer you the best possible solution.


What can we solve?

Both adult patients and children can contact us. The most common problems we deal with in our department include:

  • Minor surgical problems such as moles or fibroids
  • Removal of minor lesions by surgery or laser
  • Surgical treatment of a scar

We are a clinic that focuses on both prevention and removal of existing problems. Do not hesitate to contact us. Consultation with the doctor is individual and comprehensive. Our experts will devote sufficient time to you and you will receive an appointment within a few days of your appointment.

Procedures performed

All procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, with minimal aesthetic consequences and without the need for hospitalization. Some procedures should be combined for ideal results. The client has a room with facilities for possible rest after the procedure. Pre- and post-procedure care is very important in our practice. We do not underestimate the follow-up of the effect of the procedure to prevent the return of the problem.

Methods used

Our surgical clinic has state-of-the-art equipment. For laser procedures we use the Fotona machine, which is one of the top devices on the market. Its advantages are clearly its gentleness and efficiency. Get to know its capabilities and our team. Do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

In addition to surgical procedures, Vasmedic also has a range of cosmetic surgeries for you. Upper and lower eyelid plastic surgery is very popular. You can also use Direct Brow Lift and Upper Lip Lift to rejuvenate your appearance. We have newly included labioplasty. These procedures are performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, all performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia and without the need for hospitalization. 

Who will help you?

MUDr. Libor Dvořáček, is a renowned specialist in venous and vascular surgery. MUDr. Dvořáček started as a general surgeon at the hospital in Opočno and after his certification he started to devote himself fully to vascular surgery at the Na Homolce Hospital. During his career to date, he has completed several foreign internships at renowned vascular centres, for example in Houston, USA and Strasbourg, France.


You will also be cared by:


Description Price
Carpal tunnel surgery (minimally invasive surgery) CZK 14 000
Carpal tunnel surgery (conventional surgical removal) CZK 10 000
Upper eyelid surgery (both eyes) performed by a surgeon from CZK 15 000
Lower eyelid surgery (both eyes) performed by a surgeon CZK 17 000
Removal of fat formation (lipoma) up to 5 cm CZK 3 000
Removal of fat formation (lipoma) over 5 cm CZK 5 000
Excise skin and remove of small cosmetic formation - 1 formation CZK 1 500
Excise - each other unit CZK 800
Removal of xantelasma one eyelid CZK 1 500
Removal of xantelasma both eyelids CZK 2 000
Removal of barley grain CZK 2 500
Reexcision of hypo or hypertrophic scars up to 2 cm CZK 2 200
Reexcision of hypo or hypertophic scars up to 4 cm CZK 4 000
Reexcision of hypo or hypertophic scars up to 8 cm CZK 6 500
Surgical removal (excision) of a mole CZK 2 200
Surgical removal (excision) of moles - each additional mole CZK 1 200
Excision - removal of skin formations with plastic coverage of the defect CZK 3 000
Surgical treatment of the scar from CZK 2 000
Cosmetic ear correction in one earlobe CZK 2 000
Histological examination CZK 1 600